Well Carmi picked quite the theme for us this week! Out I went to walk Max the schnauzer this morning only to find all sidewalks iced over. I tried to walk along the side of the sidewalks on the grass, also iced over. Max would not walk. Each step he took he slid! So back inside we went, I put on my hubby's boots with cleats and down to the garage we went. After an energetic walk in the indoor garage he was ready to do his business. Out we went, walking gingerly, he did his business and back in we went! That was the extent of our walk this morning!
In normal winter weather, especially when it is -20 celsius and -30 with the wind factor, getting ready to go out for a walk takes a lot of time, boots, sweater, scarf, hat, mittens, coat and then there is the dog to dress! Doesn't look too happy does he.
I much prefer walking in good weather, like in Florida by the beach!
Boyton Beach, Florida, February 2013
And there we have it! Going for a walk is one of my favourite activties, in good weather please! If you wish to see the contributions of others please visite Carmi Lévy's blog
Written Inc.