mercredi 30 juillet 2014

Thematic photographic 303 - What's your tech?

The theme this week is "What's your tech?" and though I do have French as the language of operation on my tech stuff, somehow, tech stuff is best described in English.

Well, I should have taken photos this past weekend!  My sister and my dad were visiting and as I was reading something on my iPad I looked up and there was my sister, my dad and my hubby all on their own iPads!  We had a nice BBQ supper outside on the patio earlier with iPads put away. Sometimes I don't understand my brother who has no computer, iPad or cell phone and sometimes I envy him a bit!

We are definitely Apple people as you can see in this photo, both our iPads, an iMac and a MacAir! And Thunder, we bought an Apple IIe also in the early 1980's, cost us $2,500, almost 2 months salary! We decided it was important to initiate our son to this new world that was evolving so quickly. No wonder he is now a techi!

No iphones in this house, very simple cell phones BUT,  each our own local cell phones, one cell phone for France and two for the good old U.S.A.!

If you are curious as to the tech stuff others have, go to Carmi Lévy's blog at Written Inc.

3 commentaires:

  1. Very nice!

    My first real job (i.e. one that had health care benefits) was in the early 80s. I was hired to write programs on the Apple II+ to value options on bond futures. I had some experience with JCL and PL/1 on an IBM 370 (but not a real job, mind was like being a post-graduate intern). So I thought, haha, what a funny little computer. BUT THEY'RE PAYING ME!

    Later came the Apple IIe. The amount of memory I had to work with went from 48K to 64K...EUREKA!

  2. I was very pleased to see that other people had simple phones like me! And yours is another lovely tidy desk! Think I had better do a tidy_up!

  3. I don't have quite that much tech, but was sure glad to see I was not the only one without a smart phone
